Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooting is a SHUMP with a vertical view that challenges you to get rid of infinite mobs of enemies while you try your best to avoid obstacles and dodge projectiles.
This is an old-school game that pays tribute to classics in its genre like Galaga and Galaxian. The controls of the game have been adapted for touchscreens so your ship will follow the path that you trace with your finger.
Your missions are short-lived but require you to destroy a pretty considerable number of enemies. Sometimes, you'll have to face special challenges like flying through a field of asteroids or battle against the big bosses that have longer life sources.
Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooting is a simple but really entertaining shoot'em up that includes short rounds and some added bonuses such as a multiplayer mode that can be used to complete scenarios in pairs or an endless mode where you have to last as long as you can.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 7.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
Is Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooting available on PC?
No, Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooting isn't available on PC, at least not natively. That said, it can be played with Android emulators on Windows and Mac. Another alternative is Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooter Lite, which is a special version for browsers.
How much space does Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooting take up?
The latest versions of Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooting take up about 100 MB. Earlier versions of the game from 2017 take up less space, but those versions are outdated and usually don't run correctly.
Is Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooting free?
Yes, Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooting is free. As with the vast majority of Android games, there are in-app purchases ranging from 0.99 euros to 199.99 euros.
How many levels are there in Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooting?
Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooting has more than 160 different levels, which you can also play in several different difficulty modes. There's also an infinite mode where you try to get the highest score you can before an enemy shoots you down.
Very good
Why isn't there an update for me?
Very very very excellent
I want a fridge
Very very very beautiful